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12-17 22:16:49 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8868
导读:Interview Myths That Keep You From Landing the Job让你失去资格的面试误解With so few jobs currently available and so many people currently hoping to fill those jobs, standing out in an interview is of utmost importance. While jobs themselves are scarce, job advice is overly abundant. And with an influxof information comes an influx of confusion. What career counsel do you take, and what do you ignore? 目前,工作机会又少,而想得到这些工作的求职者又非常之多。那么,在面试中脱颖而出就非常重要了。虽然工作本身很稀缺,但是关于工作的建议却过

Interview Myths That Keep You From Landing the Job

With so few jobs currently available and so many people currently hoping to fill those jobs, standing out in an interview is of utmost importance. While jobs themselves are scarce, job advice is overly abundant . And with an influx of information comes an influx of confusion. What career counsel do you take, and what do you ignore?

There are a number of common misconceptions related to interview best practices, experts say. Kera Greene of the Career Counselors Consortium and executive

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