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12-18 01:47:51 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8512
导读:面试官问你,“你有什么问题要问我吗?”你回答说。..。..“有!”能提出问题表示你对这份工作很有兴趣。不过你应该根据来面试你的人仔细的选择你的问题。这篇文章为你提供一些适合问各种面试官的问题。招聘经理:你未来的老板The hiring manager will likely supervise you if you get the job. They‘re the most knowledgeable people about the position and its requirements. You should direct specific questions about the job,its responsibilities and its challenges to them. You may also want to ask what kind of candidate they’re seeking。如果你拿到了这份工



  The hiring manager will likely supervise you if you get the job. They‘re the most knowledgeable people about the position and its requirements. You should direct specific questions about the job,its responsibilities and its challenges to them. You may also want to ask what kind of candidate they’re seeking。


  Some questions to ask the hiring manager:


  * What are the most important skills for the job?

  * How would you describe your ideal candidate?

  * What‘s a common career path at the company for someone in this role?




  The Executive:The Industry Expert


  Senior managers and executives are likely to be most knowledgeable about the latest happenings in their industry. If you‘ll be working closely with an executive,you can ask them some specifics about the job. But you should focus most of your questions on the future of the company and the industry. This is your chance to show off your industry knowledge!


  Some questions to ask a senior manager or executive:


  * How do you think this industry will change in the next five years?

  * What do you think gives this company an edge over its competitors?

  * What’s the company‘s biggest challenge?How is it planning to meet that challenge?




  The Coworker:The Straight-Talker

  同事:有话直说的人   www.qz26.com

  Some interviews will also include a meeting with a potential coworker -- the interviewer most likely to“tell it how it is.”A potentialcolleaguemay be most candid about the job,its challenges and the work environment. However,don‘t expect inside information -- and certainly don’t ask for it。


  Some questions to ask a potential coworker:


  * What‘s a typical day like in the department?

  * How would you describe the work environment at the company?

  * What’s the most enjoyable part of your job?What‘s the most challenging part?




Tag:英语面试面试英语自我介绍,英语面试问题求职笔试面试 - 英语面试
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