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10-15 21:55:53 来源:http://www.qz26.com 如何面试   阅读:8608
导读: ·How do you define success? ·Are you able to travel? Relocate? ·Can you tell me about your skills? ·Are you able to use a computer? ·Can you describe your ideal supervisor? ·Why did you apply for this job? ·How do you use this specific computer application to solve a job-related program? ·Do you have any samples of your work?(准备好你得意的工作成果,并且随身携带,在合适的时候拿出来给面试官看,可以收到意想不到的效果。) 4. And you're


·How do you define success?


·Are you able to travel? Relocate?


·Can you tell me about your skills?


·Are you able to use a computer?


·Can you describe your ideal supervisor?


·Why did you apply for this job?


·How do you use this specific computer application to solve a job-related program?


·Do you have any samples of your work?(准备好你得意的工作成果,并且随身携带,在合适的时候拿出来给面试官看,可以收到意想不到的效果。)




4. And you're supposed to dress properly.(着装得体) A suit, dress shirt and tie are usually required for men. Women should wear either a suit or a dress with a complementary jacket (外套). They are ALWAYS acceptable.


Those men with more limited wardrobes should wear a nice sports coat with coordinated slacks (搭配得当的休闲裤) and shirt. Women should wear a nice jacket with coordinated skirt or slacks. You should always avoid wearing sneakers (运动鞋) to interviews. 虽然很多公司并不要求员工都要穿正装,但是对于求职者来说,还是尽量要大方、庄重才好。

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