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01-30 01:16:15 来源:http://www.qz26.com 个人简历   阅读:8505
导读: Directions:You are hunting for a job. Please write a resume to describe your 1)job objective 2)education background 3)skills Li Ming P.O. Box 211,××University 6824××Road, Shanghai 20**31 Tel:53688226 Email:Liming@sina.com.cn Job Objective Seeking an office building architectural designer position in a small-to-middle sized architectural firm ×× University, shanghai EducationB.S. in architecture, June 20** Completed four-year cours
    Directions:You are hunting for a job. Please write a resume to describe your  
  1)job objective  
  2)education background  
  Li Ming  
  P.O. Box 211,××University  
  6824××Road, Shanghai 20**31  
  Tel:53688226 Email:Liming@sina.com.cn  
  Job Objective Seeking an office building architectural designer position in a small-to-middle sized architectural firm  
  ×× University, shanghai  
  EducationB.S. in architecture, June 20**  
  Completed four-year course of architectural design.  
  Counses included Urban Design,  
  Architectural Planning, Structural Engineering,  
  Interior Decoration, Office Facilities Management,  
  Architectural Design  
  Special Skills▲Familiar with MS Words, MS Excel,  
  ▲Good command of building codes and standards knowledge  
  ▲independent work ability  
  ▲Proficient in English,(TOEFL 632, January 20**)  
  Summer Work job construction projects of ××  
  Company for the past three summers  
  Other InterestsSketching,painting, photography, developing films in  
  and hobbies references avail able upon request 

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