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Letter Writing in Chinese text

12-15 18:58:19 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文求职信范文   阅读:8363
导读:2  the main part. Cover letter is the key, concise and targeted to an overview of their resume. To highlight their strengths and advantages, so that the other party that all aspects of your job requirements and consistent with the job requirements and characteristics match. Writing the specific content, experts summarized as follows five areas: (1) Briefly describe your main job qualifications, work experience, participated in the relevant social activiti
Letter Writing in Chinese text,标签:英文求职信范文,求职信模板,http://www.qz26.com
2  the main part. Cover letter is the key, concise and targeted to an overview of their resume. To highlight their strengths and advantages, so that the other party that all aspects of your job requirements and consistent with the job requirements and characteristics match. Writing the specific content, experts summarized as follows five areas:
(1) Briefly describe your main job qualifications, work experience, participated in the relevant social activities, personal interests and hobbies

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