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Chinese writing how to write cover letter

12-15 18:58:26 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文求职信范文   阅读:8178
导读:1: the content of the point, do not write provocative words.2: Apply different employers and industries, to tailor your cover letter, not maintaining the status quo.3: ask your employer to do something for the future, not what they do for you.4: focus on specific career goals.5: Do not say rambling lying.6: Do not write empty words without power.7: should not exceed one page, unless you apply for the company to ask for further information.
Chinese writing how to write cover letter,标签:英文求职信范文,求职信模板,http://www.qz26.com

1: the content of the point, do not write provocative words.

2: Apply different employers and industries, to tailor your cover letter, not maintaining the status quo.

3: ask your employer to do something for the future, not what they do for you.

4: focus on specific career goals.

5: Do not say rambling lying.

6: Do not write empty words without power.

7: should not exceed one page, unless you apply for the company to ask for further information.

Tag:英文求职信范文英文求职信范文,求职信模板求职自荐 - 英文求职信范文
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