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12-15 19:25:40 来源:http://www.qz26.com 自荐书格式   阅读:8737
导读:尊敬的领导: Honorable leaders, 您好!很感谢您在百忙之中阅读这封自荐信. Good day! Thank you very much for making time from busy to read my letter. 当您翻开这一页的时候,您已经为我打开了通往成功的一扇大门,感谢您能在我即将踏上人生又一崭新征程的时候,给我一次宝贵机会. 如果您能够给予建议与指导,我将不胜感激. When you open this page, you have opened the gate leading to success for me. Thank you very much for giving me a chance when I am going to start a new lifetime journey. If I could be under your direction and with your advice, I would make a grateful acknow

Honorable leaders,

Good day! Thank you very much for making time from busy to read my letter.

当您翻开这一页的时候,您已经为我打开了通往成功的一扇大门,感谢您能在我即将踏上人生又一崭新征程的时候,给我一次宝贵机会. 如果您能够给予建议与指导,我将不胜感激.
When you open this page, you have opened the gate leading to success for me. Thank you very much for giving me a chance when I am going to start a new lifetime journey. If I could be under your direction and with your advice, I would make a grateful acknowledgement for you.

My name is xxx, graduated from xxx University xxx College with the degree of Communication & network technic major in (June或July) XXXX. In the years of being a academician,I thought for life, and took larger than myself, being grown up.

XXXX年X月,我加入了xxxx有限公司奶制品部,做了一名销售部门的员工。在一年多的工作中,我学到了很多商品知识. 与此同时,我不断钻研学习零售业知识,以全面的知识技能拓展思维、激发潜能、适应环境来追求个人价值的最大化,
I joined the XXXX Co., Ltd.milk products section, being a staff of sales department. I learned a lot of merchandise's knowledge in more than on years of work. At the same time, I intensively and continuously studied the retailing knowledge, enlarged my thinking, inspired the potential and adjusted to a the environment, with comprehensive knowledge, to maximize my life value.

Finally I gained the excellent staff award in the end of XXXX. Since that, I was appointed as the director assistant of Meat Dept., in XX,XXXX. I felt my way in the new position , to be responsible for my work; I was energic in creation and surmounted the personalist the parochial self-interest to maximize the whole interest; In the teams, I learned that all should be relative to the company's cores and targets, with mutual credits, coordinating with each other, to break the limit of organization structure and maximize the department's efficiency.

What happened yesterday has become a history. A glorious future needs to be realized by hardheaded and remorseless working from now on. I has great confidence that every man have his gift. I am ordinary, but not a mediocrity. Though I may not be the top one among those candidates, but I, still believe, would do better!

Please give me a chance, you will be satisfied for my work.(建议尽职尽责改为其他积极的话语,毕竟尽职并不能被主考官看重)

Yours sincerely

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