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12-16 22:01:41 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文自荐信   阅读:8631
导读:敬啟者:我就读於米苏里州立大学艺术系。我在学校主修艺术和设计,在这方面,我相信能适合於各阶层教职或研究设计工作,并能担任任何公司之艺术顾问。关於此等工作方面,我曾有多年研究以及若干实际工作经验,故盼阁下鼎力协助谋求此类工作。因為急需钱用,而且此类工作,有助於我艺术能力之增进。阁下对我之关怀,至為感激,并敬请儘速示知。xx啟 Dear Sir,I am a graduate student in the Art Department of the University of Missouri. I have been referred to you by my major advisor at school as a source of possible assistance in finding employment in the United States.My major in college was Art and Design. I think I am qualified to accept a






Dear Sir,

I am a graduate student in the Art Department of the University of Missouri. I have been referred to you by my major advisor at school as a source of possible assistance in finding employment in the United States.
My major in college was Art and Design. I think I am qualified to accept a teaching position at any level in this field, or work in design research or as a design or art consultant to any firm etc. I have some actual experience as well as years of study in these areas. I hope you will be able to help me find this sort of employment, not only because I need the money, but because this type of job would give me an opportunity to improve my artistic ability.
Thank you in advance for your concern and attention. Please let me hear from you as soon as possible.

Respectfully yours,

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