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12-16 22:03:54 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文自荐信   阅读:8444
导读:Hello: I am a Business English graduates in 2008, My name is Dan, from Zhengzhou, Henan Province. Exposure to English from the beginning it had a strong interest in, or choose a trade school in Henan Province, which is located in Business English, International Business, a unique professional experience in teaching. The beginning of understanding is on foreign trade and foreigners to do business, In a another word, earn forergner's money. I have
      I am a Business English graduates in 2008, My name is Dan, from Zhengzhou, Henan Province. Exposure to English from the beginning it had a strong interest in, or choose a trade school in Henan Province, which is located in Business English, International Business, a unique professional experience in teaching. The beginning of understanding is on foreign trade and foreigners to do business, In a another word, earn forergner's money. I have great curiosity, that foreign trade was very challenging, and in the school 5 years with four different nationalities exchanges of teachers and learning, which was different from Western culture in China. More and more like the foreign trade of the profession. Intentions to learn in school by increasing its own, the challenge to try new things. Understanding of your company is the production of a silk dress large companies are very interested in your products, I hope to join you - I preferred the industry, if the company can give me a platform, I will strive to do well.
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