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商务英语常用语句 To move the goods

10-16 00:29:30 来源:http://www.qz26.com 优美句子   阅读:80
导读:商务英语常用语句 To move the goods,由www.qz26.com整理,希望有关于商务英语常用语句 To move the goods的文章,商务英语常用语句 To move the goods能对您有所帮助! Allow us to thank you for the kindness extended to us.对贵方之盛情,不胜感谢。 Because of the high cost of railway transportations, we prefer sea tansportations.因为铁路运输费用高,我们愿意走海运。 For such a big order, we propose to have the goods dispatched by sea.数量如此多的货物,我们建议走海运。 In order to acquaint you with the textiles we handle, we take pleasure in s
商务英语常用语句 To move the goods,标签:优美句子摘抄,描写秋天的优美句子,http://www.qz26.com

商务英语常用语句 To move the goods,由www.qz26.com整理,希望有关于商务英语常用语句 To move the goods的文章,商务英语常用语句 To move the goods能对您有所帮助!

Allow us to thank you for the kindness extended to us.对贵方之盛情,不胜感谢。


Because of the high cost of railway transportations, we prefer sea tansportations.因为铁路运输费用高,我们愿意走海运。


For such a big order, we propose to have the goods dispatched by sea.数量如此多的货物,我们建议走海运。


In order to acquaint you with the textiles we handle, we take pleasure in sending you by air our latest catalogue for your perusal.为了使贵方对我方经营的纺织品有所了解,特航寄我方最新目录,供细阅。


Our lines are mainly arts and crafts.我们经营的商品主要是工艺品。经典语句大全.
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Tag:优美句子优美句子摘抄,描写秋天的优美句子经典语句 - 优美句子
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