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10-15 21:29:04 来源:http://www.qz26.com 毕业论文格式   阅读:8703
导读:可以这样写:Dear Dr. ×××, Thank you very much for you letter dated 07/12/05 regarding our paper (your paper's referece no.) entitled “”. Also, the authors wish to thank thereviewer for his or her positive answers to the questions in the CHECK LIST and favorable recommendation. Based on the suggestions of the editor and the reviewer, we have amended the paper accordingly. Enclosed please find the Responses from authors and list o
Dear Dr. ×××,

Thank you very much for you letter dated 07/12/05 regarding our paper (your pa
per's referece no.) entitled “********”. Also, the authors wish to thank the
reviewer for his or her positive answers to the questions in the CHECK LIST a
nd favorable recommendation. Based on the suggestions of the editor and the re
viewer, we have amended the paper accordingly. Enclosed please find the Respon
ses from authors and list of changes, a diskette containing the manuscript and
three copies (including one copy with changes marked) of the revised manuscri

The changes made is listed as follows:

Yours sincerely,


Tag:毕业论文格式毕业论文格式范文,毕业论文格式模板毕业论文设计 - 毕业论文格式
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