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07-20 19:38:29 来源:http://www.qz26.com 礼仪英语   阅读:8490
导读:B: Yes, here it is. Do you approve of the way I typed this report? 做好了,在这儿。报告这样打,你同意吗?A: Well...can I be frank with you? 我跟你直说了吧。B: By all means, please. 尽管说。A: Well, to be quite honest, I find it unsatisfactory. 说实话,我不太满意。B: Oh, I'm sorry. Could you be a little more specific? 真对不起,你能说得再具体点吗?A: Yes, I'm not particularly happy about the layout. 行,我觉得格式很不妥。B: Oh, I see the problem now. I'll retype it. 哦,我知道是什么问题了。我重打一遍。A: I'd appreciate that.

  B: Yes, here it is. Do you approve of the way I typed this report? 做好了,在这儿。报告这样打,你同意吗?

  A: Well...can I be frank with you? 我跟你直说了吧。

  B: By all means, please. 尽管说。

  A: Well, to be quite honest, I find it unsatisfactory. 说实话,我不太满意。

  B: Oh, I'm sorry. Could you be a little more specific? 真对不起,你能说得再具体点吗?

  A: Yes, I'm not particularly happy about the layout. 行,我觉得格式很不妥。

  B: Oh, I see the problem now. I'll retype it. 哦,我知道是什么问题了。我重打一遍。

  A: I'd appreciate that. 谢谢。



  1 在与英语国家的人们交谈时,难免要请教一些词或词组的意思,此时惯常的、礼貌的做法是先为打扰了他人或占用了他人的时间表示道歉,然后请求解释词义。一般来讲,只要你提问的场合与时间适宜,他们都会非常乐意回答你的。在本对话中这句 "Oh, I'm sorry. Could you be a little more specific?" 这是澄清含义的一种表达方法。

  2 Do you approve of the way I typed the report?

  approve (of) = agree officially 同意,赞成


  We had to wait months for the council to approve (of) our plan to extend our house.

  If the directors approve of it, we'll buy the new computer system.

  3 By all means, please.

  by all means 务必,一定,当然可以

  例句:--May I borrow this book? --By all means.


  I made a mistake.

  It's my fault.

  I screwed up.

  I didn't realize that I should...

  Could you be a little more specific?

  Oh, you're the guilty party.

  What's holding things up?

  What have you done to correct the situation?


Ask for Leave 我想请假

  An employee must inform the employer before starting the leave that he or she will be taking a personal leave of absence.



  Jane: I can't make it to work today. I've got the flu or something. 我今天不能来上班了,我得了流感。

  Lynn: Oh, no! That's too bad. Is there anything I can do for you? 哦,不!那太糟糕了。我能帮你什么忙吗?

  Jane: Well, there is one thing, if you don't mind. 哦,有一件事要麻烦你。

  Lynn: No problem. What is it? 没问题,什么事?

  Jane: I'm scheduled to give a thirty-minute tour of the factory this afternoon. 我今天下午本来安排了半个小时带人参观工厂。

  Lynn: A thirty-minute tour? Sure. I'll take care of that for you. Who's going to be on the tour? 半个小时的参观?没问题,我帮你。谁要来参观?

  Jane: Oh, it's a group of fifty junior high school students. 是50多个初中学生。

  Lynn: Well, yeah, I guess I could do that for you...Sure. 好,我想我能帮你,没问题。

  Jane: Really? Thanks a million. I really appreciate it. 真的?太感谢了,我非常感谢。

  Lynn: Don't mention it! 不客气。







  坦率就是直截了当地提出自己的要求,不要绕圈子。英美人一般比较坦率,能帮忙的,会马上答应。如果爱莫能助,也会当场说明理由,加以拒绝:I think I'll be able to help you, but...

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