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07-20 19:38:29 来源:http://www.qz26.com 礼仪英语   阅读:8490
导读: www.qz26.com 情景对话 2:金想在一月份休假以便去探望在中国的双亲。她正同人事经理助理亨特商量使用她的假期探亲。King: Morning, Hunter. 早上好,亨特。Hunter: Hi, King. What can I do for you? 你好,金。有什么事吗?King: I'd like to talk to you about my vacation. 我想同你谈谈我的假期。Hunter: You're lucky, King. I'm just going to draw up the holiday rotation this year. So, go ahead and tell me what you want. 你真幸运,金。我刚准备制订今年的假期轮值表。所以,说吧,告诉我你有什么要求。King: Well, I'm planning to have tHRee weeks' le


情景对话 2:


  King: Morning, Hunter. 早上好,亨特。

  Hunter: Hi, King. What can I do for you? 你好,金。有什么事吗?

  King: I'd like to talk to you about my vacation. 我想同你谈谈我的假期。

  Hunter: You're lucky, King. I'm just going to draw up the holiday rotation this year. So, go ahead and tell me what you want. 你真幸运,金。我刚准备制订今年的假期轮值表。所以,说吧,告诉我你有什么要求。

  King: Well, I'm planning to have tHRee weeks' leave in January and I want to use my vacation days for this year. 是这样,我正计划在一月份休假三个星期,而且我想用我今年的休假日。

  Hunter: Going abroad, I suppose? 准备出国,是不是?

  King: Yes, I want to go to see my parents in China. 是的,我想去探望在中国的父母。

  Hunter: Good idea. But it so happened that Donald wanted to get away in January too. And you can't be away at the same time as Donald. 好主意。不过碰巧唐纳德也想一月份休假,而你不能跟唐纳德同时休假。

  King: Why can't we both go when we want? 为什么我们不能想去休假的时候都去呢?

  Hunter: Because there must be someone to keep the work going. 因为总得有人把工作进行下去。

  King: I see. So when I'm away, Donald has to stand in for me. 我明白了。这么说当我休假时唐纳德得替代我?

  Hunter: Yes, and vice versa. 是的,而且反过来也是。

  King: Well. You know, I have a good reason for chossing January. 这个,你知道,我挑选一月份是有原因的。

  Hunter: What's that? 什么原因?

  King: Because we celebrate the Spring Festival in January this year, and it's our tradition to have a family reunion then. 因为今年我们在一月份庆祝春节,而且春节期间合家团圆是我们的传统。

  Hunter: All right. I'll do my best to meet your request. 那好吧,我会尽量满足你得要求。

  King: That's very kind of you, Hunter. Thank you very much. 你真是太好了,亨特,非常感谢。

  Hunter: No problem. 不用谢。



  1 I'm just going to draw up the holiday rotation.

  draw up = prepare, compose 预备,草拟

  例句:He drew up the contract this morning.

  2 I'll do my best to meet your request.

  meet = satisfy (a demand, etc.) 应付,满足

  例句:Can you satisfy their objections / criticisms?


  I've been busy with work for a long time and need rest.

  I'm going to take a home leave and join my family next week.

  I'm not feeling well this morning. I'll ask for a day's leave to see the doctor.

  I have to tell you I won't be in today.

  I want to have a two-week leave next month to prepare for my wedding.

  We're celebrating my mother's sixtieth birthday this coming May. I'm asking for a week's leave.

  When are you going to take your vacation?

  We'll not be too busy recently. You can arrange your vacation now.

  Would you please start your vacation after we finish the project?

  Please stay at home since you're not feeling well.

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