Q: Why would you be particularly good at this business?
A: I was a pastry chef, so I understand dessert products well and can help you with new product development. Recent preservatives have come a long way toward eliminating texture difference in pastry dough. This means we can investigate many more products than before.
Q: How do you stay current?
A: I pore over the Wall Street Journal, the Times, Institutional Investor, and several mutual fund newsletters. And I have a number of friends who are analysts.
2、 问:为什么你认为你对该行业会保持长久的兴趣?
Q: Why do you think this industry would sustain your interest over the long haul?
A: The technology in the industry is changing so rapidly that I see lots of room for job enhancement regardless of promotions. I am particularly interested in the many applications for multimedia as a training tool.
Q: Where do you want to be in five years?
A: Id like to have the opportunity to work in a plant as well as at the home office. I also hope to develop my management skills, perhaps by managing a small staff.
Describe your ideal career.
A: I’d like to stay in a field related to training no matter what happens. I was too interested in business to work at a university, but I believe that teaching is somehow in my blood. I’ve been good at sales because I took the time to educate my clients. Now I look forward to training the new hires.