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10-15 23:36:40 来源:http://www.qz26.com 面试问题   阅读:8289
导读:How do you like to work on a project? Alone? With a log of critiques?When given requirements to a project, what steps to you take to complete it? (What are the first few steps you take?What bugs you most when you're working on a design project?What do you do when you're given very little instruction or guidance in designing something? For example, if I said I wanted to create a newcorporate logo but didn't have any idea of what I was looking fo
How do you like to work on a project? Alone? With a log of critiques?
When given requirements to a project, what steps to you take to complete it? (What are the first few steps you take?
What bugs you most when you're working on a design project?
What do you do when you're given very little instruction or guidance in designing something? For example, if I said I wanted to create a new
corporate logo but didn't have any idea of what I was looking for, what would you do?
What frustrates you about a project?
Questions about your interaction with others and ability to work in a team environment
In a team environment, are you a motivator, player, leader or enthusiast?
Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult or demanding person at work or on a school project. How were you able to deal with this person?
What would you do to create a sense of harmony and work effectively with others?
Describe your experiences working in teams.
Do you consider yourself adaptable and flexible?
What experience have you had working as part of a team in your present/last position?
We develop new publications as a team: graphic designer, writer/editor, and content specialist. Have you ever been part of a design team to develop a graphic solution? If yes, how would you describe your role as part of the team?
To determine Questions to determine your technical expertise, your knowledge of design process and production
What software was used on portfolio pieces? Describe the printing process required?
What software programs have you worked in and how well do you know each of them?
Which software are you proficient in? We especially look for excellent skills in Adobe Illustrator, PhotoShop, PowerPoint, and either Quark or PageMaker.
Please list the graphic software with which you are most familiar.
Which design related computer programs do you feel the most comfortable with?
Tell me about your PC/Computer, Mac, and writing skills.
How long have you been surfing the Internet? Do you feel comfortable with it? What is your favorite Website?
How familiar are you with production processes and designing a job to be printed?
What is the difference between RGB and CMYK colors?
Describe a trap and why it is important.
When doing page layout, do you know how to do the formatting, such as tabs and style sheets?
What do you know about prepress? Have you prepared digital files for a
printing service, for web publishing, for CD publishing?
To control production costs, we often develop one- or two-color publications. Describe how you might make the most of such a limited palette.
Describe your process for generating design ideas for a project. I'm particularly interested in how you develop an understanding of audience, message, and purpose and then implement this understanding in your designs.
creative thinking and problem solving abilities; how you approach design projects
What was the objective with the design being shown? If it was printed and distributed, was it successful in meeting its goal?
How do you start the creative process?
How do you get inspired creatively with a new assignment?
Do you prefer that your client give you quite specific design ideas or leave the entire design process up to you? www.qz26.com
Have you ever had an assignment that was heavily art directed—meaning that it was necessary to come forth with revised concepts and modifications several times? Are you comfortable with this or do you insist on hitting the home run with the first effort?

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