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10-15 23:36:40 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8533
导读: 见面寒暄1. A: How are you?B: Not bad. How about you?A: I am very well, thank you!B: It’s been a long time that we haven’t seen each other.A: It’s really has been a long time.2. A: Hi, I’m Jack.B: I’m Jean.A: Nice to meet you.B: Me, too.A: Where are you from?B: Beijing, China.A: Oh, really! Are you have on vacation or on business?B: Neither. I’m a student here.A: Is that right? Which university?B: Eastern Washington

   见面寒暄

  1. A: How are you?

  B: Not bad. How about you?

  A: I am very well, thank you!

  B: It’s been a long time that we haven’t seen each other.

  A: It’s really has been a long time.

  2. A: Hi, I’m Jack.

  B: I’m Jean.

  A: Nice to meet you.

  B: Me, too.

  A: Where are you from?

  B: Beijing, China.

  A: Oh, really! Are you have on vacation or on business?

  B: Neither. I’m a student here.

  A: Is that right? Which university?

  B: Eastern Washington University.

  A: What are you studying?

  B: Business Education

  A: Oh, that sounds interesting.

  B: Not bad. What about you? Are you a student, too?

  A: No, I work for an auto company in town.

  3. A: Hi, I’m ××.

  B: I’m ××.

  A: Glad to meet you.

  B: Nice to meet you.

  A: Are you from around here?

  B: No, from China, but I live in the States.

  A: Really? No wonder you speak English so well.

  What do you do?

  B: I’m an analyst.

  A: You mean a psychoanalyst or an economic analyst?

  B: Neither, a stock market analyst.

  A: Oh, it’s no easy job to analyze and predict the quotations on the stock exchange. Do you work in town?

  B: Yeah, I work for the Marloo Research Institute.

  A: Mm.. sounds great.

  B: Well, what about you, what’s your job?

  A: I’m a truck driver.

  B: I just can’t imagine driving a huge truck.

  A: It’s easy. You want try it? It’s fun.

  B: Oh, thank you, but I prefer not.

   电话用语

  1. A: Hello, is ××in now?

  B: I’m sorry, you have the wrong number.

  A: Oh, I’m really sorry.

  A: Hello, this is ××, I would like to speak to ××.

  B: Sorry, she is not here. Do you have any message for her?

  A: I’ll call again in 20 minutes.

  2. A: Hello?

  B: Hello! Lucy? This is Ted.

  A: Oh, hello, Ted, how are you doing?

  B: Fine thanks, Lucy, how are you?

  A: pretty good. What’s on your mind?

  B: What are you doing this weekend?

  A: Nothing. Why?

  B: Well, I’m having several friends over for dinner this coming Saturday, and I was wondering if you’ll have time to join us.

  A: Sounds interesting. What time would you like me to come?

  B: Is six o’ clock all right?

  A: That’s fine. I think I can make it.

  B: Very good. I’ll see you Saturday. Good-bye.

  A: Thank you for calling. So long.

  3. A: ×× office. What can I do for you?

  B: Hi, this ××of ABC company. Is Mr. Robin there?

  A: Wait a minute, I’ll go and find him. Sorry, he is not in the office at the moment.

  B: Could you tell me where I can get him on e phone now? I’ve got something urgent.

  A: I have no idea where he is, but he said he would be back early this afternoon. He’ll be having a sales meeting. Can I take a message?

  B: Yes, please. Would you ask him to call me as soon as he gets backs. The phone number is ….

  A: …, is that right?

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