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10-15 23:36:40 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8533
导读:B: Yes.A: And your name is?B: ×× of ABC Company.A: I got it. Ok, I will have Mr. Robin call you the moment he comes back.B: Thanks a lot.A: You’re welcome. Good-bye. 问路1. A: Excuse me, could you show me how to get to ××?2. A: I am lost. Is there a subway station around here?3. A: Excuse me. Do you know how to get to ××?4. A: Where can I find ××, please?Answers:1. Ok, you go south three blocks. O

  B: Yes.

  A: And your name is?

  B: ×× of ABC Company.

  A: I got it. Ok, I will have Mr. Robin call you the moment he comes back.

  B: Thanks a lot.

  A: You’re welcome. Good-bye.

   问路

  1. A: Excuse me, could you show me how to get to ××?

  2. A: I am lost. Is there a subway station around here?

  3. A: Excuse me. Do you know how to get to ××?

  4. A: Where can I find ××, please?


  1. Ok, you go south three blocks. On your right hand side. You will see a huge building. That’s it.

  2. Yes, you go this way until you get to the next traffic light. The subway entrance is just over there.

  3. I’m sorry. I’m not familiar with this area, please ask somebody else.

  4. Keep walking down this hall way and in front of the escalator on the right hand side, you’ll find it.

   闲聊


  A: What a stuffy hot day!

  B: I can’t stand this kind of weather anymore.

  A: What weird weather.

  B: It’s probably due to the so- called El Nino effect.

  A: The TV said that today we might have rain.

  B: Don’t you believe the weather forecasts?

  A: It’s always wrong.

  B: But you’d better bring an umbrella with you.


  A: What kind of TV programs do you like?

  B: I like watching new programs.

  A: Why do you like to watch that kind of program.

  B:I think keeping myself informed of the latest world news is very important.

  B: What program do you like most?

  A: The Discovery Channel on cable TV is the one I like most. It’s full of knowledge and is a very good educational channel. I like to watch it with my family.


  A: What are your hobbies?

  B: I like music.

  A: Can you play any kind of musical instrument?

  B: I can play piano, but I’m not very good at it.

  B: How about you?

  A: I know nothing about any musical instrument. But I have a collection of many different CDs and records.


  A: Mr. ××, what’s your favorite sport?

  B: My favorite spot is tennis.

  A: What is the most popular sport in China?

  B: Ping-Pong is the most popular one in China.

  A: In our country, we prefer soccer to ping-pong.

  B: If it is the convenient for you, how about we go to watch the professional ping-pong game together tomorrow?

  A: I would be glad to.

   讨论问题、分享意见


  1.Asking for opinions

  What’s your opinion of …?

  What do you think of…?

  How do you feel about…?

  I was wondering what your opinion of …was?

  I was wondering where you stood on the question of…?

  What about…?

  2. giving opinions

  I’d like to point out…

  As far as I’m concerned,…

  In my opinion,…

  From my point of view, I think…

  Personally, I think…

  It would seem to me that…

  As far as I’m able to judge…

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