8. Was the person who held this job before me promoted?
9. May I talk to the person who held this job previously(or who is currently doing this job)?
10. Based on what I've told you, don't you think that I could give you all that you need in this position?
1. Why are you leaving your present job? 你为什么要辞掉现在的工作?
2. Describe what you feel to be an ideal working environment. 形容一下你认为最理想的工作环境。
这是看你对工作环境的要求。你可以说“最理想的工作环境是人人都得到公平的对待。”To me the ideal working environment is one in which people are treated as fairly as possible. 也可以说challenging and fun workplace.
3. How would you evaluate your present firm? 你如何看待你现在工作的企业?
如果不是因为有什么过失或矛盾而要离开现在的公司,那么最好说说现在公司好的一面。It's an excellent company that is regarded as one of the industry leaders.
4. In your current or last position, what features did you like the most? Least? Why? 在你现在或者上一份工作中,你最喜欢和最不喜欢的是什么?为什么?
对最喜欢的部分照实说,对最不喜欢的事情,由于始终是你职责的一部分,你最好用积极的方式来说明。In my last job I had to report what I do to my manager on a daily basis. I think that I am very organized and self-supervised so daily report is not the best way of using the time of both.
5. Why haven't you found a new position before now? 为什么在这之前你没找到一份新工作呢?
6. What do you think of your boss? 你对你现在的上司怎么看?
7. How do you resolve conflict on a project team? 在一个团队中你如何解决矛盾?
沟通是最重要的,要理解各方的真正要求。开始会私下进行了解。Communication is very important to resolve conflict. First I would discuss the issues privately with the team members involved then I will help to find out a way to settle based on the business needs.
8. Do you generally speak to people before they speak to you? 一般来说,在人们和你说话之前你会先和他们说话吗?
看情况了。It depends on the circumstances.
9. How would you describe your own personality? 你如何形容你的个性?
10. Are you a leader? 你是一个领导者吗?
11. What career options do you have at the moment? 你目前的职业有些什么选择?
讲到职业选择,应该设法和所应聘的行业和职位相连。"I see three areas of interest..."
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