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12-17 22:07:33 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8425
导读: 你获得面试了,恭喜!如何留下好印象对成功与否至关重要。就算英文还可以,由于紧张也可能发挥不好。更何况,有些情况不是英文本身的错误,而是是否选择了适当的词在适当的时候说出来。 面试的英文需要运用一系列比较专业的词汇,并且善用几种时态,如说明过去的工作要用过去时,以前取得的成绩要用过去完成时等等。这里我们就讲讲什么时候该说什么。当你走进雇主的办公室,先介绍自己,握手,微笑很重要。此后第一句话往往是打开局面的,通常面试人员会问:How are you today? Did you have any trouble finding us? What do you think of the weather lately?他们的语调可能会很友好,因为他们也希望你放松,尽量发挥你自己的水平。这时候你要有简单爽快而有礼貌的回应,如:对方问:How are you today? 好的回答是:I'm fine thank you, and you? 或 I'm well thank you.不好的回答是



How are you today?
Did you have any trouble finding us?
What do you think of the weather lately?


对方问:How are you today?
好的回答是:I'm fine thank you, and you? 或 I'm well thank you.

不好的回答是:So, so 或 OK 或Not so well



I attended the University of Beijing from 1990 to 1993.
I graduated with a degree in civic engineering.


I am currently studying at the University of York and will graduate with a degree in Economics in the coming spring.
I am studying English at the Seneca Community College.




ABC Engineering Inc. have employed me for the last 3 years as a salesperson. I have been creating customer contacts for 6 months.


I was employed by Jackson's Ltd. from 1995 to 1997 as a office manager.
I worked as a production supervisor at the Heitz while I was living in New York.

当谈及以前的工作成绩和表现,尽量用一些主动的,积极的,令人印象深刻的动词,比用名词或者系动词词组效果好。比如与其说My job is to assist the senior scientist with unit testing不如说I assisted the senior scientist with unit testing.与其说I was responsible for the business needs analysis不如说I analyzed the business needs.

acted accomplished adapted administered advanced
advised allocated analyzed applied approved
arbitrated arranged assisted attained blended brought
built carried out catalogued changed classified collaborated
compared completed computed conceived conducted
constructed consulted contracted controlled cooperated
coordinated corrected counseled created dealt
decided decreased defined delegated derived
designated detected developed devised
directed discovered distributed documented
doubled edited encouraged engineered
enlarged escalated established estimated
evaluated examined expanded experienced
explored facilitated finalized formulated
founded functioned governed grouped
guided handled harmonized harnessed
headed identified implemented improved
increased indexed initiated inspected
installed instituted interpreted introduced
invented investigated justified led
localized located made managed
maintained mechanized merged moderated

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