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12-17 22:16:56 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8363
导读:if you can telecommute some of the time. 对于你来说什么才是最重要的?也许你为了得到想要的职位和权力愿意接受报酬少一点。如果你可以时不时在家里远程办公的话,长时间的工作时间也许对你来说是更好的选择。"You really need to do all this thinking -- what are the tradeoffs you are willing to make in order to be employed?" said Libby Pannwitt, principal of the Work Life Design Group in San Carlos, Calif. “Work Life Design Group ”是加州的圣卡洛斯的一家公司,其主要负责人Libby Pannwitt说: “你确实需要全方面考虑事情,为了被录取,你愿意做出什么样的让步?”5)Will this
if you can telecommute some of the time.

"You really need to do all this thinking -- what are the tradeoffs you are willing to make in order to be employed?" said Libby Pannwitt, principal of the Work Life Design Group in San Carlos, Calif.
“Work Life Design Group ”是加州的圣卡洛斯的一家公司,其主要负责人Libby Pannwitt说: “你确实需要全方面考虑事情,为了被录取,你愿意做出什么样的让步?”

5)Will this job help in the long term as well as the short term? Consider what you'd like to be doing several years from now -- and whether this job could help you get there.

"I really believe that a lot of people panic and get anxious about short-term needs and forget all about their long-term goals," Levin said. If a job will give you an important new skill, for example, it may be worth making other trade-offs to take it.
“我相信有很多人对短期需求的恐慌和焦虑让他们忘记了长期目标。” Levin说。如果一份工作能让你学会重要的新技能,那么,它也许就值得你为之做出其他的妥协。

"In a knowledge-based job market, learning is your quickest pathway, your best investment ," Levin said.

6)What is the alternative? To know how flexible to be, you have to know the market. Long-term unemployment is hard on both careers and finances.

If you decide to wait for a better job, "What are you doing with your time while you're waiting?" Levin said. "If you aren't working for someone else, then work for yourself - by treating your job search as a full-time endeavor."
如果你决定要等一份更好的工作。Levin 说:“那么你在等待的时间里打算干什么呢?如果你不是为别人工作,那就通过尽力找工作来为自己工作吧。”

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