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12-17 22:16:56 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8363
导读:How Flexible Should You Really Be?实际情况下你该妥协到什么程度才可以?In tough times, job-seekers are often advised to be flexible about issues from commute length to salary to job title. But while it's true that you have to be realistic, some compromises may end up hurting you more than they help. 经济危机时期,求职者通常都会被建议从上班时间,到薪资,到工作职位等方面要懂得灵活变通。虽然说你是要现实起来,但是有时候妥协带给你的伤害远比帮助要大。"I don't believe that you just cave and take anything," said Mary Jeanne Vincent, a ca

How Flexible Should You Really Be?

In tough times, job-seekers are often advised to be flexible about issues from commute length to salary to job title. But while it's true that you have to be realistic, some compromises may end up hurting you more than they help.

"I don't believe that you just cave and take anything," said Mary Jeanne Vincent, a career coach in Monterey, Calif., and owner of WorkWise. "I have an underlying philosophy that you always sell value."
加州蒙特利的”WorkWise”公司的老板Mary Jeanne Vincent,同时也是一位职业教授,他说:“我不认为一旦妥协了就能够得到任何东西,我会在潜意识里认为你总是在廉价出卖价值。”

Steve Levin, CEO of Leading Change Consulting & Coaching in Portola Valley, Calif., draws a distinction between what he calls "healthy resiliency and begrudging compromise

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