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12-18 02:04:28 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8275
导读:当被问到以前的工作经验时,你可能会千篇一律的重复简历上的那段话。这样就丧失了针对性。你应该事先调查一下你要应聘的工作的具体内容,这样好在陈述时突出和工作相契合的部分,增加面试成功的机率。When you start an interview, find out what you're interviewing for. Typically, the person who writes and publishes a job description is not the person making the hiring decision. Ask the hiring manager what the goals are for the position, and ask who the new hire will work most closely with so you know who'll have the biggest say in whether or not you get h

  When you start an interview, find out what you're interviewing for. Typically, the person who writes and publishes a job description is not the person making the hiring decision. Ask the hiring manager what the goals are for the position, and ask who the new hire will work most closely with so you know who'll have the biggest say in whether or not you get hired. 面试时,你得注意发现雇佣方想要的是什么。
  And, if you get the job, remember that it could change all over again. Immediately. So don't ever assume you know what your job is until you investigate. The only constant about your job description is that you must be invaluable to your boss in order to succeed.

Tag:英语面试面试英语自我介绍,英语面试问题求职笔试面试 - 英语面试
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