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12-18 02:04:37 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8197
导读:Choose the right time to start pitching ideas选择适当的时候发表意见Morey StettnerTo sell your ideas, you need to listen to others first. Just don't listen too much.想要别人接受你的想法,首先要倾听别人的想法。但也别听得太多。 "When you keep listening to speakers, you let them reinforce their sense that they're right," said Nance Rosen, managing director of NAX Partners, a marketing and communications firm in Los Angeles. "It's like they're building brick after brick

  Choose the right time to start pitching ideas


  Morey Stettner

  To sell your ideas, you need to listen to others first. Just don't listen too much.


   "When you keep listening to speakers, you let them reinforce their sense that they're right," said Nance Rosen, managing director of NAX Partners, a marketing and communications firm in Los Angeles. "It's like they're building brick after brick of a fortress by talking more."

  洛杉矶一家营销通信公司NAX Partners的常务董事Nance Rosen说:“如果你让别人说得太多,就会让他们强烈地感觉自己是正确的。就好像建堡垒一样,说得越多,堡垒越坚固。”

  Instead, interrupt gracefully. Redirect the dialogue so that you can assert your point.


  Author of "Speak Up! and Succeed," Rosen finds that the best way to interrupt in casual conversation is to hold up an outstretched hand toward the speaker. That, she says, is "a universal cue like a stop sign." At the same time, she'll say "great."  


  If the person misses her cue and continues to babble, she makes another short comment, "Thank you," to signal that she expects the speaker to finish.


  Most people get the message and zip their lips. If they don't, Rosen interrupts again by saying "got it" in a firm but polite tone.


  By making a series of short comments to indicate that you understand a speaker -- and using the same prompts consistently to silence a motormouth -- you can train the person over time to talk less.


  When it's your turn to talk, maximize your persuasiveness by grabbing others' attention. Rather than plead your case and enumerate details that support your point, begin with what Rosen calls "a focus on misery."


  Specifically, engage others by identifying their pain, fear and unfulfilled desire. They will heed your remarks more closely if you begin by appealing to these palpable negatives.

  具体地说,用对方的痛处、恐惧和没有满足的欲求来吸引他们。如果你以这些明显的消极因素开始讲话,听众会更密切地关注你的讲话内容。 www.qz26.com

  "Don't waste time on good news at the beginning," Rosen said. "It's a snooze. Happy talk isn't going to compel people to listen to you."


  For example, if you want to propose steps to your management team to streamline your operation, start by saying: "Sales are down, our rivals have launched a product that can steal market share from us, and we've squandered our potential to lock up our niche."

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