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12-18 02:04:37 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8197
导读:例如,你希望给管理层提出提高管理效率的提议,你可以这样开始:“销售量正在下降。我们对手推出了一个产品,会抢夺我们的市场份额。我们封闭在狭小的环境里,浪费了潜力。”From that point, position yourself as problem solver. Show that you not only understand the obstacles but that you have also developed a plan of attack.从这一点出发,将自己定位成一位问题解决者。表现出你不但理解了困难而且还制定了一套解决计划。"Anchor your proposal by showing how it will empower you and your team to move forward on many fronts," Rosen said.Rosen说:“提出你的建议,展现这个提议会如何让你和你的团队在各个方面进步。


  From that point, position yourself as problem solver. Show that you not only understand the obstacles but that you have also developed a plan of attack.


  "Anchor your proposal by showing how it will empower you and your team to move forward on many fronts," Rosen said.


  Cite what she calls "heroic achievement stories" to showcase your experience as a leader who has overcome pain, fear and unfulfilled desire.


  Start with phrases such as "From my experience navigating through a similar crisis, I've discovered that" and "When we were struggling to stay afloat 10 years ago, I decided to."


   By establishing credibility as someone who has triumphed over adversity, you reassure others that you're equipped to manage the current challenge. Through your stories, you can also champion the core values that your listeners care about the most.


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