Corporate Social Responsibility
With a strong local presence in many countries, DTT’s member firms are uniquely positioned to have a positive impact on the people and communities in which they operate. DTT member firms’ commitment to corporate social responsibility is closely linked to their shared values and their belief in responsible business practices.The services provided by DTT’s member firms are valuable to the capital markets and the business environment in helping them operate efficiently and effectively. Just as the economic and social well-being of diverse communities has a direct impact on our member firms’ success, our member firms can have a positive influence on their communities by conducting their core business activities in an ethical manner and by engaging in projects and alliances with local and regional organizations to the benefit of society and their stakeholders.Responsibility on a global scaleDTT's member firms and their professionals contribute to and participate in international, national, and local organizations that support the development of professional standards and the advancement of our professions. In addition, DTT and its member firms are actively engaged with a number of organizations that seek to advance the corporate social responsibility agenda. These organizations are valuable platforms for DTT and its member firms to communicate with peers and the public about how to live out their commitment to corporate social responsibility.Exceeding our professional responsibilitiesThe people of DTT’s member firms share a long tradition of supporting the communities in which they live and work. In addition to financial contributions made by DTT and its member firms, tens of thousands of people from DTT member firms volunteer time and donate money to a variety of causes that encourage economic development and raise public awareness of the positive impact business can have on the community.
1. a比b快,c比a慢。不能判断b和c谁快谁慢是对是错?
2. 6个硬币加起来为0.41元,可能的面值为1分、5分、10分和25分。是否能肯定其中三个必为1角(1角为10分)?
3. 三个单词:dos、tam、man相叠加书写。dos在最上面,tam在中间,man在最下面。问:能否找出nad和mas这两个单词?
4. 从起点向西走1个单位,向南走2个单位,再向东走1个单位后,距起点的距离是否是2个单位?
5. 有三种颜色涂一个立方体,每一面一种颜色。问:能否让相邻两面均为不同种颜色?
6. 一个正八边形( regular octagon),能否用4条直线分成8个三角形?
7. 三个大小相同的圆互相重叠,能否划分出九个区域?
8. 从第b页开始看,看到第e页,问:一共看了几页?
9. a、b、c、d四本书放在书架上,b在c的左侧。如果b和c相邻,则d和b一定也相邻。问:共有几种可能的摆放顺序?
10. 一群老太太带着她们的猫在屋中聚会,共22个头和72只脚。问:有多少老太太,多少只猫?
11. 一只原本戴在右手的手套从里向外翻出(inside-out)后,能否戴在左手?
12. 选出与其它几项不同的一项:(1)a;(2)z;(3)n;(4)f;(5)e。
13. 寻找规律填写:3968,63,8,3, 。