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How to write cover letters Apply

12-15 15:01:06 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文求职信写作   阅读:8583
导读:The quality of cover letter would affect a large extent the role of resume. A good cover letter for you to win an interview, but a bad cover letter will make the resume useless.Cover letter contentRemember, the most important cover letter and resume is that it plays a different role in many of the specific content of resume cover letter should not be repeated. For example, work experience, education or personal goals. Tell others about your personal resume
How to write cover letters Apply,标签:英文求职信写作,求职信模板,http://www.qz26.com

The quality of cover letter would affect a large extent the role of resume. A good cover letter for you to win an interview, but a bad cover letter will make the resume useless.

Cover letter content

Remember, the most important cover letter and resume is that it plays a different role in many of the specific content of resume cover letter should not be repeated. For example, work experience, education or personal goals. Tell others about your personal resume, your experience and your skills. The cover letter to tell people "why you are the best candidates for the job."

A cover letter should do the following three points:

1. Self-introduction and reasons for writing a cover letter

The first paragraph of the letter to catch the attention of hiring managers. Why did you send that resume, you are interested and would like to be their vacancies. You can suggest your relationship with the company employees to express your interest in the company. To show that you do is the same industry, have the same interest in the work, or you have been through the news about the company or the industry.

If you by a friend or colleague to introduce the company to bring them in the letter; because the hiring manager will feel obliged to reply to your letter (but not exaggerated, if you describe the company or this industry is not correct, recruiters will look to see through.) When you are called to serve as the company vacancy, to say the more specific the better. Do not just talk about jobs, but also about the requirements of this position.

2. Self-recommendation

The second part of the letter to a brief account of their talents, especially those in order to meet the company's needs. Specific statement is not necessary, because the resume will be responsible for these.

This part you should emphasize your skills and experience will benefit the company. In the letter, that you do not because of the number of employment and income, in the face on the table a lot of resumes and many vacant positions, hiring managers will not care about your personal success. As little as possible with the personal pronoun "I", to make people feel that you want to say "How can I help you."

3. Plan

The letter to show you the next step. Do not let the recruiters come to decision to take action themselves. Tell the recruiter how to contact you, call or send E-mail, but do not wait for the phone. If you want to show that within a few days can not wait for their phone, you will call to confirm your recruiters resumes and cover letters have been received and arrange interviews. Be polite tone, but certainly (some candidates will use a paragraph to explain the resume in the ambiguities, such as employment experience does not work phase).

Cover letter format

There is no formal format, but in writing to keep in mind some basic rules.

The upper left corner or upper right corner of the letter set aside three lines to fill in home address, country, city, zip code and date.

Behind the call to use a colon rather than using a comma, write a formal tone to use when calling.

Use the specific title (eg Instead of "responsible person"). Try to know who will receive your letter. If necessary, ask the company to call. If you still can not determine the specific name to call "hiring manager", "personnel manager", or to the "manager."

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