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Cover letter mistakes

12-15 15:01:03 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文求职信写作   阅读:8774
导读:Self-promotion and a degree of humility should be appropriateWriting a cover letter is to sell themselves, we should emphasize your accomplishments, emphasizing the value of your selected units, which ultimately self-introduction about it, but be sure to pay attention to skills. For example, to express in your letter, "have the ability to create a new situation in the enterprise," to sound very harsh. Application of techniques to express the poin
Cover letter mistakes,标签:英文求职信写作,求职信模板,http://www.qz26.com

Self-promotion and a degree of humility should be appropriate

Writing a cover letter is to sell themselves, we should emphasize your accomplishments, emphasizing the value of your selected units, which ultimately self-introduction about it, but be sure to pay attention to skills. For example, to express in your letter, "have the ability to create a new situation in the enterprise," to sound very harsh. Application of techniques to express the point, can say: "I have learned can be used to establish a new management plan to improve business productivity," "may carry out some image design for the enterprise," and so on.

For the Chinese, modesty is a virtue. A modest man who can make each other feel good. But for job seekers, excessive humility, as nothing will make people think you are OK. Humility is not self-denial, is realistic, properly express themselves. So, writing a cover letter should follow the "moderate sell" principle. But, as the case may be. Because of cultural differences, more foreign-funded enterprises can boast the domestic enterprises should be more modest.

Less short term, careful use of "I" of the words

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