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Cover letter mistakes can not be

12-15 15:01:09 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文求职信写作   阅读:8163
导读: Job seekers write cover letters, but often not the desired effect is that it? How to throw a cover letter to ensure there is an echo? Know where the cover letter made a mistake? Please read our site can not be provided by writing a cover letter mistakes.First, ashamed to list his achievementsSuccess belongs to those who understand how to market themselves. To hit the ground running, first of all must learn to market themselves. But the courage of his
Cover letter mistakes can not be,标签:英文求职信写作,求职信模板,http://www.qz26.com

     Job seekers write cover letters, but often not the desired effect is that it? How to throw a cover letter to ensure there is an echo? Know where the cover letter made a mistake? Please read our site can not be provided by writing a cover letter mistakes.

First, ashamed to list his achievements

Success belongs to those who understand how to market themselves. To hit the ground running, first of all must learn to market themselves. But the courage of his achievements are listed, do not forget we should pay attention not to exaggerate the false statement with, so that the resentment caused by business owners.

Second, citing too much irrelevant information

Writing a cover letter of the first and ultimate goal is to sell yourself, so some individual universities to study the process, interests, and personal point of view, etc., which can be made in the brief interview. Too much information because the list may be blurred the focus of their job, decentralized employer's attention.

Third, repeat the

Some adjectives do not repeat again and again, this will make people think too much superfluous words, and read will be exhausted. Experts suggested that the best word to use with a second time, to find a new vocabulary of expression.

Fourth, repeatedly mentioned in the letter introducer

No matter what position you apply for as long as find references, your referrals are highly recommended for you. Therefore does not require special introducer repeatedly mentioned in the letter. Unless the employer requested, referrals will naturally make you the information.

Fifth, criticized former supervisor or employer

Blame not the former employee or director, who most of the business owners who saw this job bogey, either cover letter or interview should be avoided.

Six to raise questions about privacy or information not related to

Here, not to mention and the things not related to job application, for example, not to mention the personal religious beliefs, marital status, or individuals have several children. No matter whether you are single, married, divorced, and whether you're gay ... and so on, are not related to work. Business executives do not pay attention to these things, on the contrary, may also feel you gossip, Rong Yan too much, and be eliminated.

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